Sunday, November 23, 2014

1660`s Coelum Stellatum Christianum Celestial Globe Paper Model
by Paper Pino

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Created by the brilliant Italian designer and modeler Giuseppe "Pino" Civitarese, from Paper Pino website, this is the paper model of the Coelum Stellatum Christianum Celestial Globe. - "Whilst Kepler was studying the planets motion, his son-in-law Jacob Bartsch, astronomer, Wilhelm Schickard, the astronomer and professor of Oriental languages at Tübingen, and Julius Schiller (c. 1580 – 1627), a lawyer from Ausburg, together with other collaborators were planning the re-organization of the celestial system. In particular, Schiller substituted all the pagan constellations with christian subjects: zodiac became the “Cycle of Twelve Apostles”; boreal and austral emispheres were populated by characters and symbols from Old and New Testament, respectively; the Sun became Christ, and the Moon the Virgin Mary. Since the mythological tradition survived intact to present day, we can deduce that this reform did not have great success. The identification of the stars and the comparison of new observations with those of past scientists appeared unnecessarily complicated. Therefore, the astronomers of the time continued to prefer the mythological figures." - Giuseppe "Pino" Civitarese

 photo paperpinonewcelestialglobepapercraft002_zps3fb3f960.jpgCriado pelo brilhante designer e modelista italiano Giuseppe "Pino" Civitarese, do site Paper Pino, este é o modelo de papel do Globo Celestial Coelum Stellatum Christianum. - "Enquanto Kepler estava estudando o movimento dos planetas, seu enteado Jacob Bartsch, astrônomo,juntamente com Wilhelm Schickard, astrônomo e professor de línguas orientais em Tübingen, e Julius Schiller (c 1580. - 1627), um advogado de Ausburg, estavam planejando a reorganização do sistema celestial. Em particular, Schiller queria substituir todas as constelações pagãs por temas cristãos: o zodíaco tornou-se o "Ciclo dos Doze Apóstolos"; os hemisférios boreal e austral foram povoadas por personagens e símbolos do Antigo e Novo Testamento, o Sol tornou-se Cristo, e a Lua a Virgem Maria. Uma vez que a tradição mitológica sobreviveu intacta até aos nossos dias, podemos deduzir que esta reforma não teve grande sucesso. A identificação das estrelas e da comparação de novas observações com as de cientistas do passado apareceu desnecessariamente complicado. Por isso, os astrônomos da época continuaram a preferir as figuras mitológicas." - Giuseppe "Pino" Civitarese

Link: 1660`

More Paper Models of Globes related posts:

gnace-Gaston Pardies Celestial Globe Paper Model - by Paper Pino

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1790`s Cassini’s Terrestrial Globe - by Paper Pino - Globo Terrestre De Cassini

Create Your Own Mars Globe Paper Model - by Planetologia

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